I stand with our neighbors to oppose the idea of a TVA Methane power plant in Cheatham County. The TVA has selected the most impractical spot for a power plant in Middle TN. It seems their goal is to turn Cheatham County into Nashville’s Battery.

Most TVA power plants in, Ackerman, Allen, Brownsville, Colbert, Gallatin, Gleason and Marshall are located close to or on rivers in existing heavy industrial areas, NOT in the middle of active farmland, 400 homes and three schools.

One of the main problems with the TVA has been a total lack of Communications from TVA. Complete opacity of public notices, no real information released until March 2024 about power-line placement.

• The site selection standards are not followed

• No alternative site or sites chosen

• No contact with our local EMS, Fire Department, Sheriff or Law Enforcement, Mayor and the only real hospitals are a 45 minutes drive 

• No consideration for loss of very active farm land

• No Protection for endangered species - bald eagle & Hellbender salamander

• Water Quality will suffer impacting Sycamore Creek the only clean water source for some homes in Ashland City and all of Pleasant View

• There will be 24/7 Noise and light pollution

• All Property values will drop across the county due to eminent domain, that was granted by our own Senator and current House Representative

• We will have miles of methane pipeline and giant towers with high-tension power lines installed across our countryside from Cheatham to Dickson Counties

• Despite presence of ancient Native Americ­an life on and around the 285 acre plot the TVA is ignoring the Brockington Recommendation for a Phase 2 Survey before proceeding with this project, to look at specific archaeological areas that may qualify for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)  The Brockington Report has 21 blacked out redactions including, photos and text. It’s not clear who did the redactions.

 All of these poor decisions would be devastating to our county.

Click the picture above, the Brockington Report with 21 areas redacted and blacked-out areas hiding information about the 280 acre site.

Join me and support the change we need.

Send your contributions to:

Mail checks to:
Doyle 4 House Rep 78
1005 14th Ave. South
Nashville, TN 37212

Doyle 4 House Rep 78 - Ellen Bloomfield, Treasurer