My concerns for the county and State run contrary to the current District Representative. Look at the links below to see her voting record concerning Women’s Health, Public Schools and the TVA

The current District 78 Representative Mary Littleton, has voted with the majority party regardless of the impact on Cheatham and Dickson residents, and, in my view, has not done enough to address our counties’ needs. Our rural school systems are in jeopardy of funding loss with the proposed statewide voucher bill. She voted for the eminent domain laws that indulge the TVA and their contractors to take homes, farms, land, water resources in the name of providing energy to the grid and reducing us to becoming Nashville’s battery, and we gain nothing from it only loss. This is not acceptable representation.

Join me and support the change we need.

Send your contributions to:

Mail checks to:
Doyle 4 House Rep 78
1005 14th Ave. South
Nashville, TN 37212

Doyle 4 House Rep 78 - Ellen Bloomfield, Treasurer