My Platform of Local and State Issues:
Click each to see bills

Fighting the TVA, protect public school funding, women & families, gun safety

Please join me in supporting positive change for our basic rights in Cheatham and Dickson Counties.

Welcome to my campaign website. I am Deborah Castle Doyle, and I am the new candidate for the State House of Representatives District 78.

I live in Ashland City, and I am running for this office because our rights are being stripped away by legislation passed by my opponent, Mary Littleton. Her record of introducing bad bills and voting with the extremist since 2013 has hurt our working families in many ways.

The school voucher bill approved by the State Senate, was held over to be reintroduced next year for a vote in the House of Representative. If passed, our school children and teachers will have to “settle” for public school funding cuts that would hurt rural and small town public schools that are all ready under-funded. (See Bills) Click here to access our Teachers’ questionnaire about your opinions on current public school budgets, pay, the threat of vouchers and more. (It is anonymous)

• Our current leaders are influenced by the promise of big corporate money, including handing over our land to the TVA for a methane power plant. If allowed, it will devastate our counties, devalue our property, and turn us into “Nashville’s battery”. We gain nothing from it. (See Bills)

• The threat of withholding medical treatment from pregnant women is inhumane. Families, women, and physicians are being criminalized by our leaders when seeking life-saving medical care. Restricting reproductive healthcare is exactly opposite of what a majority of our voting citizens want. Banning contraception is a very real threat this year. (See Bills)

We are now and will be personally affected by all of these issues.

Beating the TVA

I joined the TVA fight with our hometown and county neighbors over a year ago by aggressively fighting the TVA‘s proposed methane power plant. This plant will devastate the heart of Cheatham and parts of Dickson that will also get its giant power lines as well. Finally, we are gaining traction by exposing the TVA’s greed, lack of transparency, and zero accountability. TVA is now in the national spotlight.

I have attended the town halls, the protests, spoken at the listening sessions, and neighborhood meetings to help strategize how to deliver the biggest impacts to stop this advance of environmental damage from the largest federal power supplier in the nation. Besides not attending any of these sessions, your current Representative Littleton voted to give TVA and it’s suppliers the eminent domain rights to take what they want. (See Bills)

Protecting Our Children’s Education

If passed, the Gov. Lee proposed school voucher program (Senate passed) will strip money from our public school budgets. Our public schools have been operating on an under-funded budget anyway. We cannot let this voucher pass. We have to fight to protect our kids. Offering vouchers to 20,000 students will cost our public schools $145 million dollars.

This bill will be back on track to be voted on by the House of Representatives next year. We cannot allow this to pass. (See Bills)

Defending Rreproductive Freedom and Life-Saving Healthcare

The State is taking away and criminalizing women’s and families’ rights to reproductive freedom and life-saving health care. Men, women and families all deserve to decide their own birth control. We have preeminent healthcare in TN, and all of us deserve to take advantage of that medical expertise when medical issues arise. We need care here. We need it now. And certanily shouldn’t have to go out of our own state. Extremists will not stop with states. They will push for a national reproductive-freedom ban in this election. Littleton voted for the “trigger law” in 2019 that would go into effect after the overturn of “Roe vs Wade” in preparation of the now State-wide ban. (See Bills)

Click on the box to see bills and laws passed and proposed by the majority, including the current representative, that are hurting schools, our environment and our families.

Join me and support the change we need.

Send your contributions to:

Mail checks to:
Doyle 4 House Rep 78
1005 14th Ave. South
Nashville, TN 37212

Doyle 4 House Rep 78 - Ellen Bloomfield, Treasurer